With a built-in dusk to dawn sensor, the lights will turn on when it gets dark and turn off when it gets light, eliminating the need for manual control and saving energy.
[Retractable Spring Contact] This light sensor socket comes with a retractable spring contact design, you can screw it back after tightening it, adjust the light sensor to face to the sun's direction. 2 mm spring telescopic range, as long as the screwing back range is within 360°, the direction of the sensor can be adjusted at will, and there is no need to worry about looseness or loose contact.
[60S OFF Delay] 60S delay function prevents the bulb from flickering repeatedly due to sudden light source, and shuts off the bulb only after 60S of continuous irradiation in a dark environment; bring you a better lighting experience
[Easy to Install & Use] No wiring or programming needed, just turn off the power and screw the bulb into the lamp socket; standard E26/E27 base, compatible with LED, CFL, incandescent and halogen bulbs for a wide range of applications
[Heat-resistant Material] Made of PET heat-resistant material and with ETL certification, DEWENWILS sensor socket ensures long lifespan; Tip: Do not use with lighting fixtures with fabric shades or opaque/frosted glass fixtures